


Which of the following is a vector quantity?

  • A) Speed
  • B) Distance
  • C) Displacement
  • D) Time
  • Answer: C) Displacement

Which of the following is the unit of force?

  • A) Newton
  • B) Joule
  • C) Watt
  • D) Pascal
  • Answer: A) Newton

What is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the Earth?

  • A) 7.8 m/s²
  • B) 8.9 m/s²
  • C) 9.8 m/s²
  • D) 10.8 m/s²
  • Answer: C) 9.8 m/s²

Which of the following laws is also known as the law of inertia?

  • A) Newton’s First Law
  • B) Newton’s Second Law
  • C) Newton’s Third Law
  • D) Law of Conservation of Energy
  • Answer: A) Newton’s First Law

Which of the following is the SI unit of work?

  • A) Joule
  • B) Newton
  • C) Watt
  • D) Pascal
  • Answer: A) Joule

What is the speed of light in a vacuum?

  • A) 2.99 x 10⁸ m/s
  • B) 3.00 x 10⁸ m/s
  • C) 3.01 x 10⁸ m/s
  • D) 3.02 x 10⁸ m/s
  • Answer: B) 3.00 x 10⁸ m/s

What type of mirror is used in car headlights?

  • A) Plane mirror
  • B) Concave mirror
  • C) Convex mirror
  • D) Parabolic mirror
  • Answer: B) Concave mirror

Which of the following is not a fundamental force?

  • A) Gravitational force
  • B) Electromagnetic force
  • C) Strong nuclear force
  • D) Centrifugal force
  • Answer: D) Centrifugal force

What is the formula for kinetic energy?

  • A) KE=12mv2KE = \frac{1}{2}mv²KE=21​mv2
  • B) KE=mvKE = mvKE=mv
  • C) KE=mgKE = mgKE=mg
  • D) KE=12mvKE = \frac{1}{2}mvKE=21​mv
  • Answer: A) KE=12mv2KE = \frac{1}{2}mv²KE=21​mv2

Which phenomenon explains the splitting of light into its constituent colors?

  • A) Reflection
  • B) Refraction
  • C) Diffraction
  • D) Dispersion
  • Answer: D) Dispersion

Which of the following is the unit of electrical resistance?

  • A) Volt
  • B) Ampere
  • C) Ohm
  • D) Watt
  • Answer: C) Ohm

What is the potential difference across the ends of a conductor when a current of 1 ampere flows through it with a resistance of 1 ohm?

  • A) 1 Volt
  • B) 2 Volts
  • C) 3 Volts
  • D) 4 Volts
  • Answer: A) 1 Volt

What type of lens is used to correct myopia?

  • A) Convex lens
  • B) Concave lens
  • C) Cylindrical lens
  • D) Spherical lens
  • Answer: B) Concave lens

Which of the following is not a renewable source of energy?

  • A) Solar energy
  • B) Wind energy
  • C) Fossil fuels
  • D) Hydropower
  • Answer: C) Fossil fuels

What is the unit of frequency?

  • A) Hertz
  • B) Joule
  • C) Newton
  • D) Watt
  • Answer: A) Hertz

Which law states that the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage across it, provided the temperature remains constant?

  • A) Ohm’s Law
  • B) Kirchhoff’s Law
  • C) Faraday’s Law
  • D) Ampere’s Law
  • Answer: A) Ohm’s Law

Which of the following waves are used in SONAR?

  • A) Radio waves
  • B) Sound waves
  • C) Microwaves
  • D) Infrared waves
  • Answer: B) Sound waves

What is the formula for pressure?

  • A) P=FAP = \frac{F}{A}P=AF​
  • B) P=F⋅AP = F \cdot AP=F⋅A
  • C) P=AFP = \frac{A}{F}P=FA​
  • D) P=F+AP = F + AP=F+A
  • Answer: A) P=FAP = \frac{F}{A}P=AF​

Which of the following is a non-conservative force?

  • A) Gravitational force
  • B) Electrostatic force
  • C) Frictional force
  • D) Magnetic force
  • Answer: C) Frictional force

What is the charge of an electron?

  • A) 1.6×10−191.6 \times 10^{-19}1.6×10−19 Coulombs
  • B) −1.6×10−19-1.6 \times 10^{-19}−1.6×10−19 Coulombs
  • C) 1.6×10191.6 \times 10^{19}1.6×1019 Coulombs
  • D) −1.6×1019-1.6 \times 10^{19}−1.6×1019 Coulombs
  • Answer: B) −1.6×10−19-1.6 \times 10^{-19}−1.6×10−19 Coulombs

Which physical quantity is measured in pascals?

  • A) Force
  • B) Pressure
  • C) Work
  • D) Power
  • Answer: B) Pressure

Which of the following is the unit of power?

  • A) Joule
  • B) Newton
  • C) Watt
  • D) Pascal
  • Answer: C) Watt

What is the formula for calculating work done?

  • A) W=F×dW = F \times dW=F×d
  • B) W=FdW = \frac{F}{d}W=dF​
  • C) W=dFW = \frac{d}{F}W=Fd​
  • D) W=F+dW = F + dW=F+d
  • Answer: A) W=F×dW = F \times dW=F×d

Which of the following laws states that the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure at constant temperature?

  • A) Boyle’s Law
  • B) Charles’s Law
  • C) Avogadro’s Law
  • D) Gay-Lussac’s Law
  • Answer: A) Boyle’s Law

What is the wavelength of light with a frequency of 5×10145 \times 10^{14}5×1014 Hz? (Speed of light = 3×1083 \times 10^83×108 m/s)

  • A) 600 nm
  • B) 500 nm
  • C) 400 nm
  • D) 300 nm
  • Answer: B) 600 nm

Which of the following particles is found in the nucleus of an atom?

  • A) Electron
  • B) Proton
  • C) Neutron
  • D) Both B and C
  • Answer: D) Both B and C

What is the unit of electrical capacitance?

  • A) Ohm
  • B) Farad
  • C) Coulomb
  • D) Henry
  • Answer: B) Farad

Which of the following materials is a good conductor of electricity?

  • A) Wood
  • B) Rubber
  • C) Copper
  • D) Glass
  • Answer: C) Copper

What is the name of the device used to measure electric current?

  • A) Voltmeter
  • B) Ammeter
  • C) Ohmmeter
  • D) Wattmeter
  • Answer: B) Ammeter

Which of the following is an example of a scalar quantity?

  • A) Velocity
  • B) Acceleration
  • C) Force
  • D) Temperature
  • Answer: D) Temperature

Which physical principle explains the buoyant force experienced by objects in a fluid?

  • A) Bernoulli’s Principle
  • B) Pascal’s Principle
  • C) Archimedes’ Principle
  • D) Boyle’s Law
  • Answer: C) Archimedes’ Principle

What is the angle between the force and displacement when the work done is zero?

  • A) 0 degrees
  • B) 45 degrees
  • C) 90 degrees
  • D) 180 degrees
  • Answer: C) 90 degrees

Which type of electromagnetic radiation has the shortest wavelength?

  • A) Gamma rays
  • B) X-rays
  • C) Ultraviolet
  • D) Infrared
  • Answer: A) Gamma rays

What is the term for the number of waves passing a point per unit time?

  • A) Wavelength
  • B) Frequency
  • C) Amplitude
  • D) Period
  • Answer: B) Frequency

Which device converts electrical energy into mechanical energy?

  • A) Generator
  • B) Transformer
  • C) Motor
  • D) Rectifier
  • Answer: C) Motor

Which law states that the pressure exerted by a fluid at equilibrium in a given container depends on the height of the fluid column?

  • A) Pascal’s Law
  • B) Archimedes’ Law
  • C) Bernoulli’s Law
  • D) Boyle’s Law
  • Answer: A) Pascal’s Law

What is the name of the force that opposes the relative motion of two surfaces in contact?

  • A) Tension
  • B) Normal force
  • C) Friction
  • D) Centripetal force
  • Answer: C) Friction

Which type of current flows in only one direction?

  • A) Alternating current (AC)
  • B) Direct current (DC)
  • C) Induced current
  • D) Eddy current
  • Answer: B) Direct current (DC)

What is the unit of magnetic field strength?

  • A) Tesla
  • B) Weber
  • C) Gauss
  • D) Henry
  • Answer: A) Tesla

Which element is most commonly used in the construction of semiconductors?

  • A) Silicon
  • B) Carbon
  • C) Germanium
  • D) Tin
  • Answer: A) Silicon

Which law explains the relationship between the current, voltage, and resistance in an electric circuit?

  • A) Coulomb’s Law
  • B) Ampere’s Law
  • C) Ohm’s Law
  • D) Faraday’s Law
  • Answer: C) Ohm’s Law

What is the term for the bending of light as it passes from one medium to another?

  • A) Reflection
  • B) Refraction
  • C) Diffraction
  • D) Absorption
  • Answer: B) Refraction

Which phenomenon demonstrates the wave nature of light?

  • A) Photoelectric effect
  • B) Compton effect
  • C) Diffraction
  • D) Pair production
  • Answer: C) Diffraction

Which law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed?

  • A) Zeroth Law
  • B) First Law
  • C) Second Law
  • D) Third Law
  • Answer: B) First Law

Which type of mirror is used to produce an enlarged virtual image?

  • A) Plane mirror
  • B) Concave mirror
  • C) Convex mirror
  • D) Parabolic mirror
  • Answer: B) Concave mirror

What is the device used to store electric charge?

  • A) Resistor
  • B) Capacitor
  • C) Inductor
  • D) Transformer
  • Answer: B) Capacitor

Which of the following is not an electromagnetic wave?

  • A) Radio waves
  • B) Microwaves
  • C) Sound waves
  • D) Infrared waves
  • Answer: C) Sound waves

What is the phenomenon of splitting white light into its constituent colors called?

  • A) Dispersion
  • B) Diffraction
  • C) Reflection
  • D) Refraction
  • Answer: A) Dispersion

Which scientist is known for the law of universal gravitation?

  • A) Albert Einstein
  • B) Isaac Newton
  • C) Galileo Galilei
  • D) Nikola Tesla
  • Answer: B) Isaac Newton

Which principle explains why airplanes can fly?

  • A) Pascal’s Principle
  • B) Archimedes’ Principle
  • C) Bernoulli’s Principle
  • D) Boyle’s Law
  • Answer: C) Bernoulli’s Principle

Which property of sound determines its pitch?

  • A) Amplitude
  • B) Frequency
  • C) Wavelength
  • D) Speed
  • Answer: B) Frequency

What is the phenomenon where an object moving towards an observer has its light waves compressed?

  • A) Doppler effect
  • B) Redshift
  • C) Blueshift
  • D) Reflection
  • Answer: C) Blueshift

Which device is used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy?

  • A) Motor
  • B) Generator
  • C) Transformer
  • D) Rectifier
  • Answer: B) Generator

Which of the following is a unit of inductance?

  • A) Farad
  • B) Henry
  • C) Ohm
  • D) Volt
  • Answer: B) Henry

What is the name of the effect that occurs when a beam of light spreads out after passing through a small aperture?

  • A) Refraction
  • B) Reflection
  • C) Diffraction
  • D) Dispersion
  • Answer: C) Diffraction

Which law states that the total electric flux through a closed surface is proportional to the enclosed electric charge?

  • A) Gauss’s Law
  • B) Ampere’s Law
  • C) Faraday’s Law
  • D) Ohm’s Law
  • Answer: A) Gauss’s Law

What is the name of the process by which a nucleus splits into two or more smaller nuclei?

  • A) Fusion
  • B) Fission
  • C) Ionization
  • D) Radioactive decay
  • Answer: B) Fission

Which quantity measures the amount of matter in an object?

  • A) Weight
  • B) Mass
  • C) Volume
  • D) Density
  • Answer: B) Mass

Which type of electromagnetic radiation is used in medical imaging to view bones?

  • A) Ultraviolet
  • B) X-rays
  • C) Gamma rays
  • D) Infrared
  • Answer: B) X-rays

Which property of a wave determines its energy?

  • A) Amplitude
  • B) Frequency
  • C) Wavelength
  • D) Speed
  • Answer: B) Frequency

Which principle states that pressure applied to a confined fluid is transmitted undiminished in all directions?

  • A) Pascal’s Principle
  • B) Archimedes’ Principle
  • C) Bernoulli’s Principle
  • D) Boyle’s Law
  • Answer: A) Pascal’s Principle

What is the phenomenon where light waves change direction as they pass through a boundary between different mediums?

  • A) Reflection
  • B) Refraction
  • C) Diffraction
  • D) Dispersion
  • Answer: B) Refraction

Which law states that the force between two charges is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them?

  • A) Ohm’s Law
  • B) Coulomb’s Law
  • C) Faraday’s Law
  • D) Ampere’s Law
  • Answer: B) Coulomb’s Law

What is the term for the ability of a material to return to its original shape after being deformed?

  • A) Plasticity
  • B) Elasticity
  • C) Viscosity
  • D) Ductility
  • Answer: B) Elasticity

Which unit is used to measure luminous intensity?

  • A) Candela
  • B) Lux
  • C) Lumen
  • D) Watt
  • Answer: A) Candela

Which physical quantity is conserved in an elastic collision?

  • A) Kinetic energy
  • B) Momentum
  • C) Both A and B
  • D) Neither A nor B
  • Answer: C) Both A and B

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